Sunday, January 13, 2013

WTF is Ganster or Hustler Game to You

I got this thing that's been killing me, so here goes, guess there are writers out there that think the only way a person been through rough times or struggle is if they been in the dope game or prostitution, I'm here to set a record straight, there are all types of hustle and gangsta ways to keep your head above water, and it don't always include the obvious told stories over and over again.  Moving from 1 state to another state with your family that knew nothing about the new state, don't know where they will rest their head that night, don't know where their next meal coming from, or hth they will get back on their feet is a struggle, but accomplishing all that and then some on your own with no ones help except for those who basically just said come out here, and in the end wants to take credit for all your walking, looking, sitting in a dead ass building with other families waiting for a brown bag of food and bottles of milk to give your baby, applying for, sitting in lines hours at a time, and traveling hours a day on a train and bus, if that aint hustle or gangsta hell, then pls tell me wtf it is?

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