I stay in my lane every day and night
Sitting on my Throne with a pen in my hand ready to write
Not needing to be who you want or think I should be
Instead choosing to continuously thrive and be the only me
You can't wrap me up in a pretty bow
Think I'm going to follow you and your silly side show
I'm not a follower
I'm not your leader
I do me on my time
I write what I want to write
With no dead lines
No freak shows
No process of other shit that don't pertain to my glow
Of telling stories or writing poems
It's not for me to throw you a low blow
Why put myself out there
I'm already here
In my own lane
Processing life through my eyes
Spreading my wings
Getting ready to take flight
Just remember I don't fly on scheduled time
I am a Free bird
Not signed on the dotted line!!!!!!!