Monday, September 9, 2019

                                                                 Real Talk

Its been a minute
Since I been in it
Put my feelings on it
Put my grind to it
But today Imma go through it
With y'all, on some real talk!
Sometimes it's hard to listen to truth
But know it's easier then being a lie or lied too
When feeling that absolution or approval is needed
However others take it wrong as being conceded
We all come with flaws 
Constantly building walls
Taking pics with no draws
Coming off as no loss
After we put our clothes back on
Realizing everyone's gone
We stand alone left to mourn
Over broken promises and issues of Trust
Over likes, smiley faces, Love, yet there is no us
There is story lines 
Revealing our intimate lives
Getting Love from both sides
Of friends,
Of family,
Even ones of past history,
Believing all that's good and deserving has come to me
The head reveal its ugly truth
When you realize you been lied to
By ones who claim to Love you
No evidence can they show you
That they always been there for you 
Still they can't stand to see the real you;
Get up
Rise up
Move up
Everything in you coming through
Your heart
Your devotion
Your strength
Your promotion
Your hunger to do and be head above water
Surrounded by all of your emotions
When they try to take hold 
And drag you through cold
Deep waters of deception
Configure anticipations
of Malevolence Intent situations 
Never will there be a congratulations
You made it to the top.
Nope I guess not
I laugh because I won't stop
Makes me harder 
To breath out fire
Walking on water 
Taking back control from all the liars
Being on some Real talk
I can tell you some things 
Let's go for a walk!

Read that again!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Liberated Bohemian: I'm not that Bitch, I'm THAT BITCH!

Liberated Bohemian: I'm not that Bitch, I'm THAT BITCH!: I'm not that Bitch, I'm THAT BITCH! I'm not that Bitch who needs ones approval Or care what your needs are I'm not that ...

I'm not that Bitch, I'm THAT BITCH!

I'm not that Bitch, I'm THAT BITCH!

I'm not that Bitch who needs ones approval
Or care what your needs are
I'm not that Bitch who seeks out smiles n fake ass friends
Or one that needs a man when thinking about my plans
For my future
For the game
For my money and
Sure damn don't need one getting in my lane
Don't think for a minute that one can compete
Their status is not even measurable to mine
But I will sure take it to the streets if that is where you want to meet
I'm not that Bitch who cares bout playing house all day
Wearing a ring
Ironing suits
Producing spawns
Claiming roots
I'm not that Bitch, I'm THAT BITCH
Who rides the whip
Who carries cash not credit
Who has houses not apartments
Who has a ready clip on hand
For when anyone has the need to snitch
I told you once before, but I'll say it again
I'm not that Bitch you want to play with
I'm THAT BITCH who will
End It!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A League of my Own

I am in a League of my own rights 
I stay in my lane every day and night
Sitting on my Throne with a pen in my hand ready to write
Not needing to be who you want or think I should be
Instead choosing to continuously thrive and be the only me
You can't wrap me up in a pretty bow
Think I'm going to follow you and your silly side show
I'm not a follower 
I'm not your leader
I do me on my time 
I write what I want to write 
With no dead lines
No freak shows
No process of other shit that don't pertain to my glow
Of telling stories or writing poems
It's not for me to throw you a low blow
Why put myself out there 
I'm already here 
In my own lane
Processing life through my eyes 
Spreading my wings
Getting ready to take flight
Just remember I don't fly on scheduled time
I am a Free bird 
Not signed on the dotted line!!!!!!! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Liberated Bohemian: Lay it on Me!!

Liberated Bohemian: Lay it on Me!!: Lay your sexy low eyes on Me Lay your suckable lips on my thighs While my body, you take on a high Leaving me in a natural desire of y...

Lay it on Me!!

Lay your sexy low eyes on Me
Lay your suckable lips on my thighs
While my body, you take on a high
Leaving me in a natural desire of your being
Breaking every rule because I got you feenin
Craving passion is what becomes us
After we go through all the classical movements
Entertaining every thought combining us 
Into a motion of a relief sculpture
Bringing about a mixed media construction
Creating lines and forms in a master piece painting
My Renaissance Man
Lay your sculpting palms on my womanly shape figure
That came from your rib
Molding my silhouette with the very tip of your fingers
Gently kissing the sweetness of my skin, limb to limb
Exhaling sensual air
You take one more glance at your art work before hand
Coming in for the kill
We're in sync with our sexual healing for one another
Lay your thickness in my juiciness
Lay it in my foreverness
Lay your love within thee
Lay it on Me...........